about tavonne

tavonne s. carson is writer based in Harlem, New York.


An ever-evolving story herself, tavonne s. carson is a lover and a writer based in Harlem, New York. Her essays and memoir are rooted in the liberation of her literal and literary voice through the medicine that is story. She explores anxiety, [in]/visibility, otherness, and vulnerability as they reside in and wrestle with her Black, woman body. In visceral, corporeal and lyrical language, her creative nonfiction highlights (and dismantles) how Black girls and women are silenced, and learn to silence themselves.

tavonne holds an MFA from the New School in Creative Writing. She is an alumna of VONA/Voices of Our Nation Arts Foundation and Anaphora Writing Residency for Writers of Color. Her work has been published in Midnight and Indigo, the Offing, Apogee Journal, Tiferet and Gastronomica: A Journal of Food and Culture. Currently she is working on a collection of essays and a screenplay for her inner-child.

“you your best thing.”

Paul D., Beloved by Toni Morrison
t a v o n n e . c a r s o n [at] g m a i l . c o m
